A Speculative Flash Fiction Collection Sixteen odd tales await the adventurous reader. An eclectic collection of stories, they span from fantastical realms to the vastness of space and to the madness within us. Horror, science fiction, and fantasy weave through this collection of stories all with a touch of darkness. Title: (Almost) Average AnthologyContributors: Jason...
Book Genre: Short Story Collections
Moments of Darkness
A Speculative Flash Fiction Collection Fourteen dark and twisted tales await. Building on the strength of (Almost) Average Anthology, these unique and curious stories delve into the darker side of life. Whether in familiar settings or strange worlds, expect unpredictable twists and turns. Don’t miss this second collection of original stories from author Jason J....
November 8th, 2016.A new President was elected, and the United States was forever changed. Now 8 authors have come together to share the alternative facts of the dystopian futures we have yet to witness.From the schoolboy romanticizing delusions of grandeur to nuclear Armageddon; from civil wars to the diseased undead; from walls isolating nations, to...
Shopping List 2
Once again, HellBound Books Publishing brings you an outstanding collection of horror, dark, slippery things, and supernatural terror - all from the very best up and coming minds in the genre.We have given each and every one of our authors the opportunity to have their shopping lists read by you, the most wonderful reading public,...
Madness in the Shadows
Falling into madness has its perks… From USA Today Bestselling Author Jason J. Nugent comes a dark and twisted collection of over 30 fantasy, science fiction, and horror short stories. Compiling (Almost) Average Anthology and Moments of Darkness along with additional tales no longer available, this collection features stories for the daring and adventurous...